Sunday, August 23, 2009


this blog was originally started as a forum so that i could post news and music for the bands i was in and tracks from cd-rs i had in my distro at the time. wall of noise. for better or for worse, those bands broke up (the last band, i feel, was for the better) and i stopped carrying bits and pieces of my distro to shows and events so that i could actually enjoy myself instead of having to be concerned about the paper and plastic i left on a table.

and though the bands and distro have been, for the most part, forgotten, the internet still holds this blog of the same name. at least for now.

this summer i have found myself getting back into the habit of reading for at least hour everyday. for the most part this hour is sent reading derrick jensen. except for two occasion where i read a zine on northern florida wild edibles and a steve martin's pure drivel. which really when i look back pure drivel probably could easily be confused with any jensen book or essay. intelligent sarcastic humor. check. social questioning of modern language and its use. check. comments on the quality of life. check. stories expressing the relationships that humans and nonhumans have. check. im sure within the next year or so we will probably see steve martin on a panel, along with zerzan, tucker and some local liberal to tone the others down, discussing the end of the civilized world.

but i digress. while reading derrick jensen two things always come to mind. the first being the importance of doing something you love or for something you love. the second is the importance of telling the stories of our lives and the relationships we have with everything around us. human and nonhuman. (jensen isnt the only person to bring these two things to my mind. im lucky enough to have(and had) many friends, lovers, relationships with animals and beautiful ecosystems to also remind me. as well as countless other authors and radicals. i just have jensen on my mind and library card.)

the first thing is fairly easy task to put into action. i love riding my bike, im going to do it. i love my dog, im going to take care of him to the best of my ability. i love women and men, im going to fight and argue with sexists and homophobes. i love the natural environment around me, im going do what i can to protect it.

there are forces that sometimes get in the way of doing the things i love, the same ones that any one has to face in their life. but am i going to let a no trespassing sign and fence prevent me from swimming on a hot summer night? should a job have the power to take two lovers out of bed before they're already? should frat boys be allowed to walk around freely without fear of being confronted for their violence just because there are cops patrolling every so often? and for that matter should the cops even be allowed to patrol?

as for telling stories, when we do what we love we tend to share the story of our experiences. And while i would rather share my stories face to face in that dead art of talking, many of my friends are scattered across the land. im currently back in my hometown where i have a handful of friends left. luckily i have no problem talking to people ive just met. sadly ive learned the hard way some people dont want to hear the story about how i almost lost my foot to a spider bite while having a drink at a bar (though you would be surprised how many do and then want to see the pictures). so what do i do with the stories that some people dont want to hear? let them fade away? of course not, just do the next best thing ill write them down.

while ive written several things for other peoples zines and other publications, i myself have never actually finished any of the zines ive started for whatever reason. i literally have a dozen zines about half way or so done. im still planning to start printing my own zine(s) but in the mean time i still want to share my stories.

so that leads me back to this blog. while i have adventures and make stories ill be posting them here when i get the chance(i dont own a computer). whether this is read or not doesnt matter. i will be having fun and the stories will at least be out there until i get the chance to tell them myself.